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Acupuncture treating acute lumbar pain

· Acupuncture

Disclaimer: The cases are for illustration purpose only. Everyone's response will differ from one another according to different situations. The readers should not practice self-diagnosis and self-medication on the basis of these cases.

◎Lumbar sprain


A 37-year-old female had a lumbar sprain due to putting on the trouser on 31 January 2016. The pain was so severe that she could only lie down to have a rest. She used to receive acupuncture treatment for lumbar pain several years ago, and she asked for acupuncture treatment. The treatment was blood-letting first, followed by acupuncture. After the needles were taken out, the patient could sit up by leaning on the wall. There was still pain, and the patient was told to put hot pack on the lumbar area. The patient asked for continuing acupuncture treatment the next day. The treatment took 3 days in total, and then the lumbar pain disappeared.